About Us - the people behind this site

All of us involved in this site freely give our time and expertise as this is something we enjoy doing. We also believe the end result is something valuable for Norwich and Norfolk and which we hope will encourage more people to visit our churches to experience at first hand the beauty of this wonderful heritage of glass.

Mike Dixon portrait
We are very sad to report that Mike Dixon who took all of the photographs has died. The wonderful photographs he provided for this website is a lasting legacy for a dear colleague and friend. He will be sadly missed.

Mike was always happy to authorise use of his photographs for educational or similar uses. We will continue this legacy and are happy to provide higher definition versions but clearly will not authorise any commercial use of his work.

Frances can be contacted via email at: frances@cringleford.com

Frances portrait
Frances Holmes does all of the research and writes up the naratives for the churches and the windows. From knowing nothing of stained glass a year ago Frances is now a self confessed stained glass snob. She especuially loves the medieval angels (preferably with feathers) but is very selective in her choice of Victorian glass.

Frances can be contacted via email at: frances@cringleford.com

Michael portrait
Mike Holmes does the techy bits on the web site. After a long career in IT it is odd that he finds doing web sites relaxing. However, the advanced features now available makes this media an excellent means of displaying the beauty of the glass in most cases with greater clarity of detail than is possible with the naked eye.

Mike can be contacted via email at: michael@cringleford.com
