exterior view of North Runcton All Saints Church

Sedgeford St Mary Norfolk Stained Glass

St Mary's has an early 14th-century round tower. Most of the rest of the structure is contemporary. The clerestory is a 15th-century additon. The transept had a twin on the north side. The chancel was partly demolished around 1770. The church was once a Peculiar of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich Cathedral having been appropriated to the Cellarer of the Cathedral priory before the Dissolution. The church and graveyard has been extensively investigated and recorded by SHARP. These investigations include a gravestone survey, building recording and resistivity surveys. The resistivity surveys have identified the layout of the demolished east end of the chancel and the former north transept. While a soakaway was being dug in the churchyard in 2010, a post-medieval coin was recovered as a stray find.

For detailed church information visit:
link to norolk heritage site
plan of church
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