East window of St Peter Mancroft Norwich
The central late 15th / early 16th century panel depicts the Shield of St Peter i.e two crosses on an azure background.

Mid 15th century figure of The Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation plus fragments

Mid 15th century figure of Christ at the Coronation of the Virgin

Mid 15th century figure of St William, Archbishop of York

Mid 15th century figure of St Erkenwald, a prince of East Anglia who founded the Abbeys of Chertsey & Barking. He was consecrated bishop of London in 675

Mid 15th century figure of the Virgin Mary at the Visitation

Mid 15th century figure of St Elizabeth at the Visitation. Note that her robe is open at the front and laced across in the manner of a medieval maternity garment.

Mid 15th century eagle on a canopy with foliage set in a 19th century quatrefoil

Mid 15th century figure of a sainted king

Mid 15th century figure of St Alban.

Mid 15th century panel depicting the brothers St John the Evangelist & St James the Greater as children. Both hold their distinguishing emblems: St John with the eagle and James with the scallop shell. Additionally St John holds a palm branch

Mid 15th century figure of St Anne teaching the Virgin Mary to read. Mary is located in the panel to the immediate right

Mid 15th century figure of the Virgin Mary being taught to read by St Anne . The figure of St Anne is located in the panel to the immediate left

Mid 15th century figure of St Mary Salome and fragments

Mid 15th century figure of St Oswald, who was crowned King of Northumbria in 633.

Heavily restored mid 15th century figure of Isaac. The painting on the restored head could have been done by GA King

Mid 15th century figure of a sainted archbishop

Mid 15th century figure of Asa, the third king of Judah

Mid 15th century figure of King Edgar, the monarch who is accredited with consolidating the English nation

Mid 15th century figure of a sainted king

Fragments of Medieval figure. Main feature is the head of St Peter

15th century fragments. The main figure depicts a sainted bishop or archbishop

Mid 15th century figure of St Edmund, King of East Anglia. He carries an arrow which is his distinguishing emblem.

Mid 15th century figure of St Edward the Confessor. As is common he is depicted with a halo and carrying a sceptre and rings

Mid 15th century figure of King Athelstan, one of the most important Anglo Saxon Kings, who tried to unite all of Britain under a single monarch

Mid 15th century figure of St Catherine of Alexandria

Fragments of 15th and 19th century glass

Mid 15th century panel. Fragmentary. Part of the figure represents God holding a globe in his left hand wearing a robe. It has, however, been patched with the head, feathers and right hand of an angel.

Mid 15th century six winged seraph swinging a censor

Main figure is a mid 15th century depiction of St Dunstan. As is customary he is represented as the Archbishop of Canterbury

Main figure is a mid 15th century depiction of a bishop

Mid 15th century six winged seraph swinging a censor

Mid 15th century figure of Christ displaying his wounds

\Main figure is a mid 15th century figure of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven

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Mid 15th century canopy

Mid 15th century canopy top and three figures depicting an angel playing a lute (left), the Virgin Mary holding Christ (central) and the Virgin Mary at her Coronation (right)

Mid 15th century canopy top depicting musical angels playing lutes (sides) and a harp (centre)

Mid 15th century canopy top depicting an eagle

Mid 15th century canopy top depicting musical angels playing lutes (sides) and a harp (centre)

Mid 15th century canopy top depicting: Christ at the Coronation of the Virgin (left),St John the Baptist (centre) and a cymbal playing angel (right)

Mid 15th century canopy

Mid 15th century figure of St Cecilia plus fragments. St Cecilia is carrying a palm and a wreath of flowers which are both emblems associated with her.

Late 15th century depiction of “The arrest of St John the Evangelist”

Mid 15th century panel depicting the Shield of the Holy Trinity and fragments

Mid 15th century panel depicting St Francis Receiving the Stigmata with a kneeling donor figure.

Mid 15th century panel depicting a very patched and fragmented scene of St John the Evangelist with two donors

Late 15th century panel depicting St John the Evangelist with the philosopher Crato and two rich young man. An illustration of the story told in the narrative of John’s life in The Golden Legend.

Mid 15th century fragments including a Shield of the Blessed Sacrament

15th century figure of St Stephen and fragments

Mid 15th century panel depicting St Elizabeth of Hungary distributing alms to the poor in front of her father’s palace

1881 panel depicting The Ascension of Christ, designed by Clayton and Bell

Mid 15th century panel depicting two scenes from the life of St Margaret of Antioch.

Mid 15th century panel depicting the figure of St Faith and fragments. Unusually she is pictured holding a saw, rather than her normal emblem of gridiron or brazen bed.

Mainly mid 15th century panel depicting Christ appearing to the Apostles at the Virgin Mary’s tomb together with fragments.The shield containing two keys is modern, probably the work of G.A. King

Mid 15th century depiction of “The Miraculous Draught of Fishes”

Mid 15th century depiction of “St Peter about to go fishing” from John XXI, 2-3

Mid 15th century panel depicting St Peter preaching

1881 panel depicting The Betrayal of Christ, designed by Clayton and Bell

Mid 15th century panel depicting St Peter baptizing the centurion Cornelius. – as recounted in the Acts of the Apostles

Mid 15th century panel depicting St Peter and the Emperor Nero

Mid 15th century panel depicting St Peter and Simon Magus (Acts of the Apostle VII)

Mid 15th century depiction of The Circumcision. Note how Christ is suckling his mother for comfort whilst the Priest holds a knife.

Mid 15th century depiction of The Crowning with Thorns and the Second Mocking of Christ.

Mid 15th century panel depicting “The disrobing of Christ” and “Casting of Lots for his Raiment”

1881 panel depicting The Crucifixion, designed by Clayton and Bell

The top half of the panel contains very fragmentary remains of a crucifixion scene whilst the bottom half contains a more complete scene of Christ’s Entombent. The panel dates from the mid 15th century.

Mid 15th century panel depicting a scene from “The Golden Legend” where one of the Apostles who missed the events surrounding the Assumption of the Virgin Mary asked for her tomb to be open.

Mid 15th century panel depicting the legend that told of the funeral procession of the Virgin Mary being interrupted when a Jew attacked her bier and his hands stuck to it. After which he begged to be released.

Mid 15th century depiction of The Annunciation

Mid 15th century depiction of The Visitation. The Virgin Mary stands on the left and St Elizabeth, wearing a laced up maternity robe, on the right

Mid 15th century panel combining The Nativity and the Adoration of the Shepherds

1881 panel depicting The Resurrection, designed by Clayton and Bell

Mid 15th century panel depicting The Adoration of the Magi

Mid 15th century panel depicting The Adoration of the Magi

Mid 15th century panel depicting the Massacre of the Innocents. Very unusually Herod is shown as joining in the slaughter.

Dating from 1526 – 33 the panel depicts Sir Edmund Garneys with his wife Matilda and children

Dating from 1526 – 33 the panel depicts Thomas and Margaret Elys. Repairs to the panel include replacing Margaret’s head with that of a saint’s dating to the 14th century

1881 panel depicting Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, designed by Clayton and Bell

1881 panel depicting The Last Supper, designed by Clayton and Bell

1881 panel depicting The Agony in the Garden , designed by Clayton and Bell

Panel dating from 1526 – 33 depicting Elizabeth Elys with daughters.

Mid 15th century panel depicting Robert Toppes and his family. Robert was a merchant and one time owner of Norwich’s magnificent Dragon Hall, which still survives today
>The bulk of the churches’ surviving medieval glass is now located in the east window where forty two panels are all of medieval date.Although many have been “patched” they are remarkably intact. Interestingly none of the glass is in situ having being moved on a number of occasions including : John Dixon’s “improvements” dating from 1847 – 41; Clayton and Bell’s work of 1881; Messrs G King and Son’s 1947 reinstallation  of the window following it’s removal over the War years which included the releading and rearrangement of the tracery lights.

Inevitably some of the ancient panels have been replaced by Victorian substitutes (it is quite an interesting exercise to try and spot the 19th century glass), also some of the originals have found there way to other locations including: Felbrigg Hall (Norfolk) and the Burrell Collection (Glasgow).

For further information refer to “The Medieval Stained Glass of St Peter Mancroft, Norwich by David King. (full details in the bibliography)

To see each panel in more detail, together with an explanation of their content, place your cursor over the highlighted boxes.

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